Concepts such as turnover, mobility, and flexibility are here to stay in Organizations

Globalization aks for Intercultural Coaching

We have arrived at the global world, a reality with new geographical horizons, new organizational dimensions, and new People. Concepts such as turnover, mobility, and flexibility are here to stay, and we can summarize them in a single image: Change - Adaptation - Change.

Managing People in a global world means working with the diversity and complexity inherent in different cultural processes. It means overcoming personal beliefs and convictions and respecting the difference, not to risk losing specificities that drive excellence. Awareness of different socio-cultural standards and norms can differentiate success or failure in a multicultural business context.

Intercultural Coaching: what for?

Through customized programs of Intercultural Coaching ABP Corporate Coaching supports clients in the internationalization of their business to promote a faster and more effective cultural adaptation of the Organization itself and its employees. The specific programs of Intercultural Coaching of ABP Corporate Coaching are designed to allow participants to become aware of what differentiates them from their peers with an in-out perspective.  

Intercultural Coaching: solutions



Through an active development dynamic focusing on practical actions, conducted in person or remotely, our workshops aim to facilitate the cultural adaptation of Executives who interact with different cultures, improving their performance or that of their teams in a multicultural environment.


  • Cultural Intelligence;
  • Efficiency in multicultural teamwork;
  • Efficiency in working with virtual teams;
  • Preparing for mobility.
Mobility coaching

Mobility coaching

Personalized coaching for Executives to develop a set of skills to face the challenges of working globally outside their home country, adjusting to the destination country, and support in expatriation.


  • Executives who regularly interact with different cultures or who intend to start internationalization processes, needing a quick knowledge of the language and behaviors adjusted to the destination country;
  • Foreign expatriates (and family) in Portugal, Portuguese expatriates (and family) in the world, or Executives who regularly interact with different cultures;
  • Multicultural team leaders with face-to-face or distance interaction;
  • All employees who in an international work context need to interact in situations of intercultural sensitivity;
  • Organizations that want to equip their employees with intercultural competencies to facilitate commercial relations and promote true international partnerships.

"Imagining that People are the hardware, ABP Corporate Coaching provides the software that makes them proliferate."

    ABP Corporate Coaching is a Coaching company guided by quality, rigor, and innovation in its services. At ABP Corporate Coaching, we design customized projects adapted to the reality of each client, with a deep respect for its frame of reference - values, identity, and purpose.


    Av. João Crisóstomo, 30, 5.º
    1050-127 Lisboa | Portugal


    +351 21 330 37 82
