ABP Corporate Coaching bases its performance on scientific research in coaching, contributing to the construction of knowledge in this field.

The research concluded in 2006 and led by Alexandra Barosa Pereira, founder and Managing Partner of ABP Corporate Coaching, presents the reality of this activity in Portugal. It is a pioneering study, which gave rise to the book Coaching in Portugal - Theory, and Practice.

As author and researcher, Alexandra Barosa Pereira is sure that reflection and research should be inseparable from action. Research represents the act of continuously questioning reality and is critical in the areas of intervention where ABP Corporate Coaching operates.

Learn more about the knowledge associated with ABP Corporate Coaching through Alexandra Barosa Pereira's reflections based on scientific research in her BLOG

    ABP Corporate Coaching is a Coaching company guided by quality, rigor, and innovation in its services. At ABP Corporate Coaching, we design customized projects adapted to the reality of each client, with a deep respect for its frame of reference - values, identity, and purpose.


    Av. João Crisóstomo, 30, 5.º
    1050-127 Lisboa | Portugal


    +351 21 330 37 82
